Saturday, October 29, 2011
Mom: Tell me.
Tasha: Turn your head to the right. Turn your head to the left. Turn your head to the right and left quickly when people offer you food!
Mom: Cool!
Monday, October 24, 2011
They both were very independent, living on their own until very very late in age.

My tok we made mean pisang murtabak and Nonna made doughnuts to die for.
My tok we would always slipped in some money, no matter how little to her great grandchildren and Nonna would do the same. However, Nonna took the meaning of sustainability to a new level when she made us return the white envelope that she used to put the money in so that she can reuse the envelopes for the next handout!
Nonna is the only one whom I know who drank her wine with Sprite. Salute to you Nonna!

I pray that both of them will be rewarded with the garden of paradise for being such a great person who touched so many lives in this world. They certainly have touched mine and they will forever be missed.

The girls' first attempt at making scones

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
One cannot say to have knowledge until one has learnt about it, understood it and practised it.
Monday, October 10, 2011
1) During training, if you run wearing a HRM, check the % max HRM that is MOST comfortable for you (therefore you are not panting and huffing while running). Generally it should be in the region of 75% of max HRM. During the race, you can wear HRM and keep it to the same % max HRM.
2) During training, if you are not wearing HRM, keep to the pace by feeling (or what I call rhythmic breathing). When you start huffing and puffing, slow down your pace.
3) If you train on a threadmill like I do, the pace is given to you. During the race, it is easy because you can work it out with your watch and the distance marker. If you have been running 10km in one hour, you want to be on the distance marker on the 6th minute +/- 30 seconds (and multiple thereof).
4) If you train outside on the same route, try to identify the distance (I do this by driving the route and clock it on the speedometer). Once you have done the route and have a good idea of the time it takes you, it is just time / distance calculation and use the watch and distance marker combination to set the pace during the run.
5) Some people rely on certain songs on their MP3 player. If they are running right in tempo with them, then they know they are at a certain pace.
6) Don’t get sucked by the mass race start! The only ones who are able to hold the mad start pace are the Kenyans!
Generally, you always run a race at a higher level than the training pace. Due to the combination of the adrenalin, the energy gel and isotonic drinks, you normally can push yourself by about 5 - 10% of the practice pace.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So, two days before the run, I brought Tasha and Franco snorkelling and kayaking, instead of reserving my energy. It was a fun filled day and if I had to do it again, I would not do it any other way.
I was lucky in the last two marathons that I didn't get the compartment syndrom, which I normally experienced at the start of the runs. However, not wanting to take any chances, I was very cautious with my speed, trying not to exceed 10km/hour while everybody else shot right pass me in the first 100m!
Despite being cautious about the speed, the pain stabbed in that I had to stop a few times to massage and stretch the shin. The pain persisted but I ran through it, praying that it would go away and it finally did 8 km later!
I caught up with Mohan who was running his 134th marathon at km 11 who warned me of the lonely battle that lie ahead. I didn't really understand what he meant until I turned around the bend and saw miles and miles of uphill road! The only comfort I had was the fact that everything that went up would eventually have to come down, and we finally did after almost 10 km of uphill running!
The last 5 km was tough for me and it didn't help that the drink station didn't have any fruits or food to offer after 30 km mark. Running low on energy, I practically "begged" for some Gatorade from a Thai runner who had the luxury of having a full bottle on him! I thanked him and tried to speed off but my legs were just doing its own thing at its own sweet pace.
I managed to better my PB by 14 minutes, finishing the race at 4:34. And that's not all...the best news is that I came in third in my age category and won my first cash prize money in running - 2850 baht.
Monday, August 22, 2011
You will never know if you don’t even try. There is enormous power in asking for what you want. All too often, our internal chatter prevents us from taking the steps needed to get us to our own unique form of greatness. We are kept small from our inner imaginings – so much of which are lies.
The most brilliant of the best, those who live glorious lives that matter, ask like crazy. They understand that it’s a habit that must be polished for it to shine. And the more you do it, the easier it gets (like any skill). So they ask.
For the support and help they need at work.
For the understanding they may seek at home.
For a win they need for their business.
For a better table at their favourite restaurant.
For a better seat at a sold out concert.
And because they ask more, they get more (success always has been a numbers game). Nothing happens until you ask. People are not mind readers. They need to know what’s meaningful to you.
And if you ask nicely, they just might say yes.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Couldn't believe the bill when everything was totalled up.
RM 640 for school uniforms and that does not include the blazer since the tailor was not there and the leather shoes which we have to purchase outside. With those, the total damage would easily exceed one gran.
At that price, they not only have to continue giving partial scholarship for tuition fees but they may also have to start giving subsidy / interest free payment scheme just for uniforms!
I think I need to look for a second job!
Sui Lin has hers around the wrist, mine to nurse my acute tennis elbow, Lee Lee's invisible but has gel in her shoes to minimise strikes on the heels.
Eric, the only male player amongst us, who is also my doubles partner today confessed that although physically he is still in good shape, it is usually his ego that is bruised constantly! Whilst there is a glimpse of hope for us to recover from our injuries, no amount of bands can accelerate the healing of a bruised ego! Sorry Eric....
The following are my favourites (which means the ones that I have the most based on current inventory)
A) Running Shoes - Nike Vomero
B) Running Tops - Nike High Impact and New Balance at a close second
C) Running Shorts - New Balance
D) Tennis Rackets - Prince
E) Tennis Balls - Wilson
F) Tennis Skorts - Yonex
G) Tennis Shoes - Reebok
H) Tennis Tops - Yonex
H) Polo Shirts - Polo Ralph Lauren
I) Jeans - Calvin Klein
J) Gym Wear - Adidas
K) Work Clothes - Iora
L) Golf Clubs - PING
M) Golf Pants - Marks & Spencer
N) Golf Tops - LPGA
O) Smart Pants - Marks & Spencer
P) Golf Shoes - Mizuno
Q) Yoga Pants - Adidas
R) Golf Balls - Srixon
S) Tennis Bags - Prince
T) Sweat Bands - Adidas
U) Tennis Socks - Prince
V) Running Socks - Mitchdowd and Nike
W) Squash Racket - Wilson
X) Handbags - Etienne Aigner
Y) Gym Gloves - Nike
Z) Gym Shorts - American Athletics
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Despite all that, I am still playing tennis 3 days a week - and on 2 of those days, I have morning and evening sessions. So, yes, I spend a lot of hours on the tennis court and the pain mulitplies as the number of hours increase.
Today a MIRACLE happened and I quickly sms Franco to share the good news.
LINI: My tennis elbow pain is gone!
FRANCO: Unlike most people who require rest to heal a tennis elbow, you need to "play through the pain. Further evidence of your
LINI: I have stopped collecting evidence for my awesomeness. Even the cyber storage can't handle the colossal data!
Monday, June 6, 2011

After collecting the medal upon completion of the race, Franco arrogantly said to me, " I feel like I don't deserve the medal cause it felt like I have not done anything yet!"
In my heart "Action betul la pak cik ni sekarang....."
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Bagi tahun 2011, Kelab Golf MGC/TKC telah berjaya menganjurkan permainan golf sebulan sekali. Pemain-pemain veteran handalan yang sentiasa menyertai permainan bulanan terdiri daripada Kak Maznah, Kak Majmin, Kak Sabariah @ Kak Lang, Kak Sharifah Maimunah dan adiknya, Sharifah Zawiyah, Khairiyatun Azlina dan Lini Kazim.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I ran the distance from Athens to Marathon and I still can't believe that I have done it!
A lot longer than both of us anticipated but we did it.
Will we do it again?
Over and over! The feeling is just too great to be doing it just once in a lifetime!

Mission Accomplished (6:03)
No 48 - Half Marathon Women Veteran Category
Thursday, April 14, 2011
No. 38 in the Half Marathon Women Veteran category
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
80 / 20 RULE
Generally 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, 80% of the wealth is owned by 20% of the nation or 80% of sales come from 20% of the Clients.
Applying this to work, it is about identifying and working on the 20 percent that matters. The 20 percent that would produce 80 percent of the results.
I always ask my staff to focus on those things. It is not just about working smart, it is working smart on the right things....
During my brunch, I read a review on C250 CGI and text Franco the page number of the SUN for him to read.
At about 2 pm, Franco texted me again:
FR: any more savings?
LK: Nope, having my weekly massage now on the 6th floor!
FR: All in a day's "work", huh?
At this stage, two things are required for me to embark on the triathlon journey - acquisition of a bike and engagement of a swimming instructor. The former is currently being facilitated by an old friend - thanks Joe and I am now on a quest to find a triathlon swimming instructor. Anyone who knows of one, please let me know.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Date: 27th March 2011
One of the prizes given away for the lucky draw was the Air Purifier.
Datin Ju who played in my flight asked me: "Lini, Air purifier tu untuk apa?"
My reply: "Kak Ju, to purify the orgasm in the air!"
Datin Ju: "huh!*&$*()&$#^(*()
Friday, March 25, 2011

Despite the restraints, the team was able to utilise the time together to discuss topics such as total cost of ownership, category management, program management and the purpose of central design office (CDO). To break the monotony, Edric challenged the team with mind boggling activity in the midst of his Value Management session.

The workshop however is not all work and no play. Thanks to SKM People’s effort, our team had a day of cultural immersion with activities ranging from dancing to traditional farming which brought a lot of smiles and laughters, and untapped potential to a new height.

Thanks to all for making the workshop a success. Special thanks to Barry, Ed and Adri for their presence which reflects the epitome of our journey towards stronger Shell / SKM partnership.
Written for: Leaderboard March 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
May the force be with us throughout the 42kms!
The following is my sms exchange with Michael today.
Lini: Dear all, tee off time has been booked for 8 am on 23rd March at Awana Genting. The fee for ladies is RM 75.50 and for men RM
130.50 including caddy, which I was told to be compulsory.
Michael: As long as she is good looking, otherwise, I just have to concentrate on golf and why would I want to do that?
Lini: Between the distraction from the caddie and the tough terrain, you are going to need a lot of balls, prayers and good luck. So, start
praying and bring lots of balls, the useful kind!
Michael: I always carry those with me!
Lini: I thought I specifically mentioned the useful kind!
Michael: You need to go out more!
Lini: I don't need to go out, I just have to go to the Livillas Club House to drive myself to insanity!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

But as soon as I went in, I knew I would have a good time there. We spent a lot of time by the fire place, drinking hot chocolate while reading and surfing on the I pad.

The very next day, we decide to hit the slope. It was a hot Sunday and there were oh so many people! (I thought their weekend would be on Friday and was expecting a quiet time on the slope. Turned out, they celebrate weekend like most countries around the world!) The equipment rental was USD 10 per person and there were shops renting equipment everywhere but we opted for the one right at the foot of the slope. The ski pass was USD 40 per day on weekends. So, USD 150 poorer, we hit the slope and didn't stop until the sun came down and we enjoyed every penny of it...