I love Singapore for a number of reasons but mainly because of the family whom I love dearly live there and they are a part of a beautiful memory of my teenage years.
Way back in 1964 when my mom was studying in Singapore, she was notoriously playful that my grandparents placed her under the watchful eyes of Pak Cik Salim and Mak Ain, who were my grandparents' best friends. The families were so close that for a while I thought that my grandfather and Pak Cik Salim were brothers until it was revealed to me otherwise.
They took on their role as godparents seriously and extended the same hospitality to my sister some 20 years later when she entered STF in Johor Bharu. Since I was in TKC, Seremban during the same period of time (we are only a year apart), my parents would drive from Kota Bharu to do the mill run and eventually all of us would end up at Pak Cik Salim's place. Singapore was truly our second home way back then.
When we heard that Pak Cik Salim was battling with lung cancer and had just undergone sessions of chemotherapy, a trip to Singapore was in order. It was decided that my mom, my sister and my daughter would follow me. Undoubtedly, everybody was eager to see Pak Cik Salim and his family but little did I know that everybody had an ulterior motive which was revealed en route - my mom was dying to go to Joo Chiat to buy her jubahs, my sister had been dreaming of going on the Singapore Flyer and my daughter insisted that the trip to Singapore would not be complete if she couldn't get her favourite Roti Pisang at the Food Republic on Orchard Road.

Back in Tampines, Pak Cik Salim looked a bit frail but still has his charming smile on. Mak Ain is never short of stories - be it about the past, present or future. I love reminiscing with her as she has the capability of filling in the gaps with details that made you go "yeah...that's it". The memory became so vivid that the past seemed just like yesterday. Kak Mina has not put on weight since 1986 and is desperately looking for pills to help her gain some weight while Kak Esah's food is out of this world that she should be awarded as a 5 star Michelin chef! Abang Man is the envy of the family who spends most of his time in his holiday home in Batam.

I have not slept at their place since I left TKC and decided to do so on this trip for old time sake. So, "Hotel Lambak" was back in business again after 20 years and everybody slept peacefully after all their wishes came true.
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