Selamat Hari Raya
It is Hari Mulia
Celebrate with sanak saudara
Who is ogling for duit raya
Let's forgive and forget
So that we can beget
Peace in the heart
And Paradise I bet
On raya day we eat and eat
Until we finish all the rendang meat
This goes on day and night
Till our bajus become very tight
After raya it's another story
That we all love to hear surely
Boring stories become bestseller
That's the way it would be until next puasa
Time Raya je cabut pi kat kampung,
Time makan ketupat lemang,
Ke rumah saudara saje nak ambik attendent, Atau saja nak save bajet,
Bratder dan fatder pegi ke masjit,
Maaf di pinta, keji kau bagi,Porah lut..
whats wrong with this anonymous??
My sentiment exactly with regard to the anonymous' message.
Anyway, it was great meeting you last week and I hope you will be a teacher who will be remembered and loved by all your students. My prayers are with you.
Kisses to the cats!
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