One of the things on MY WISH LIST. In fact just yesterday, I sent Franco the specification for the watch I am looking for. It was supposed to be a subtle hint for him to start scoping for the watch and have an idea of the "damage". It has been two days and still no news....I bet you, he is avoiding KLCC lunch so that he doesn't have to face the hefty price tag!
On the same topic, I had an interesting conversation with Hugo last Saturday as he thought I was trying to be posh by buying a Rolex watch, until he heard what I had to say.
I really only have one watch all my life. It was an Ebel and it was a gift from my grandfather for my SPM result. Yep...that was over 20 years ago. It was the only watch I knew and felt comfortable with and I never had to remove it for anything. It just became an extension of my wrist. The watch was so durable that I never had a scratch on it or even when I had one, a good nice servicing at Watches of Switzerland will remove all blemishes. The watch was timeless and it looked perfect most of the time. It died on me 2 years ago and after that I have been struggling with finding a watch that would fit me.

Two years later
Imagine my joy and happiness when I found one that would fit me nicely. The challenge now is to get Franco to sign on the dotted line....
I looooove watches Lini, and I'm so glad my hubby loves them even more! You don't like Omega? That's my wish list, Lady DeVille collection? Good luck with Franco!
Ha, I tak ade lah sampai buat collection macam good watch is more than enough for me.eyeing for ROLEX cause I may be able to get better discount through my brother's network.times are tough!
I got a black/orange Ellesse sports wristwatch for my birthday earlier this month. It's not the $$$$ value that count but the sentimental value.
BUT I don't mind a Rolex for myself hehehehe
Michel, I have been wearing sunway lagoon plastic watch these last few months. It did the job until one day, I had to pretty much guess the time cause the mist on the face was so thick! kesian. A sunway lagoon plastic watch only?!!! U might as well buy a "Rolex" from Petaling street if u really want one. A good imitation only costs around RM200.
Michel, I specialise in Strategic Procurement at work. One of the principles we apply is what we call "total cost of ownership" (TCO) - questions asked prior to purchasing will be how long will the watch lasts, how much the maintenance cost will be, what is the warranty period, what is covered in the warranty, how much is the extended get my drift, right. So, I think "Rolex made in Petaling St. will not make the cut under those stringent conditions which I apply even in my daily life!!!
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