
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


After following Yus' instruction to the tee, we arrived at the subway station a few minutes before 6.30 p.m. and waited for Marc there. Tasha asked me whether I have met Marc before, and when she heard the negative word, she questioned how I was going to identify him.

I had no idea how but as soon as Marc walked into the station, I knew right away that he was the guy. We did the usual introduction and then followed him on a little tour en route to their abode, where we were told Yus was busy cooking a feast. Just as well as we were starving!

The meal was delicious - nice home cooked miso soup to make us feel warm and fuzzy inside, followed by a vegetable pie and a pasta dish with salad on the side and finished with the eclair, which of course I didn't get to taste as my portion (and I think Yus' as well) was gobbled down by yours truly. In moments like that I felt like I had raised a monster with no eating manners, but Yus is an old time friend, so, Tasha's table manners, or the lack thereof, in her moments of weakness, was brushed off as cute and adorable!
The time we spent with Yus and Marc was too short (or at least it felt that way since time always flew right by you when you were having fun) but next time (we hope), we would plan it a bit better so that we can take on Marc's offer to take us climb Mount Fiji, go skiing or just hang out....

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